7 Emergencies to Prepare for in 2021


2020 was one of the most challenging years to date – that is no secret. The pandemic has had an enormous impact on many different sectors of the economy. It was perhaps a more comfortable year for preppers, as this is the kind of emergency they’ve been working towards for years.

With no end in sight, what will happen with the pandemic in 2021? Could it impact other areas of the economy and everyday life? These are the questions that we, as preppers, need to ask ourselves – this ensures that we stay ahead of an emergency or a crisis.  Here are seven emergencies that you need to prepare for in 2021.


1. Financial Crisis

A financial meltdown is always a top priority on a prepper’s list, as our economy is built on fragile ground. This is even more of a concern now because of how the pandemic has hit both national and global economies. In the United States, many people are out of work, have burned through their savings, and experienced little to no impact from the most recent stimulus package.

The advice for preparing for this financial meltdown remains just as crucial as ever. Here is what you need to know to prepare accordingly:

  • Keep your bills low and under control
  • Pay down your credit card (if possible)
  • Maintain your property
  • Maximize your non-cash, tradable assets (gold, precious metals, alcohol, and cigarettes)


Credit: Envato Elements/ yanishevskaanna


2. Civil war

January 6 was an unprecedented day in modern American politics. The storming of the Capitol is seen, by some, as the beginning of a new civil war. Considering the division between the left and right, this is a possibility that should always be taken seriously. Although kicked off social media, many Trump supporters keep teasing further assaults over the coming months – not something that we should be taken lightly. 

While the country won’t descend into civil war overnight, an event could occur, which will eventually snowball into something far greater and much more significant. 

A civil war in a country such as our own would be devastating for everyone, not just those directly involved. The best way to prepare is to have a stockpile of food and medication (vital prescriptions), first-aid equipment, and weapons and ammunition. As always, make sure you have your bug-out bag ready in case the fighting arrives on your doorstep.


Credit: Envato Elements/ Great_bru


 3. Climate change

Although climate change is a slow burner, the problem is becoming exponentially worse as the years go on. The main issues are increasing strange yet volatile weather incidents and rising sea levels. A grave and enormous example of this is the wildfires that occurred throughout California just last year. 

To prepare for this emergency, ensure you have the right evacuation equipment ready to go. This includes a bug-out bag for every family member, a working vehicle, and somewhere to go. Ideally, this should be out-of-state and populated areas, particularly if either wildfires or flooding are significant concerns in your area.


Credit: Envato Elements/ thichaa


4. Cyberattacks

A cyberattack on the United States could potentially lead to a financial meltdown, but there are many other consequences that could occur. For example, hackers could take down the power grid or other infrastructure services, which could be damaging.

The best way to prepare for national-level cyber-attacks is to secure your home with the appropriate supplies. Cyber-attacks won’t necessarily force you out of your home but could make it a more challenging place to live.

Ensure you have candles, batteries, matches, and flashlights. Be sure that you have a few weeks’ supplies of food and water on hand, along with battery packs to charge your cell phone. You might also want to have physical backups of any critical information stored on your computer, just in case.

Also, consider a quality password app.


Credit: Envato Elements/ DC_Studio


5. Terrorism

Terrorism has been a major cause for concern since 9/11, and it’s not exactly going away now. However, the world of terrorism has changed, as have the players involved. It’s unlikely we’ll see another 9/11, but things have become smaller scale yet potentially more damaging.

Terrorist attacks have the ability to impact you on both a local and national level. They can lead to a financial crisis or a loss of infrastructure. Therefore, the advice remains similar: keep a supply of food, water, and medical supplies. Maintain a stock of non-cash tradable assets, and ensure you have bug-out bags ready to go. Of course, you should also have something in the way of self-defense, just in case.



Credit: Envato Elements/ Pressmaster


6. Covid-19

As we’ve seen over the past 12 months, Covid-19 has the potential to cause unexpected consequences, but it also has the potential not to be taken seriously. The next 12 months will likely answer many questions we might have about the pandemic.

Providing the government responds appropriately, it should eventually become eradicated. But if they don’t, it’s only going to get worse. Supply chains could be impacted as more and more people can’t work, and unemployment will also likely rise.

To prepare for this, stock up on food and water while you can. If you have space, it’s also a good idea to think about growing your own food – or at the very least buying some seeds. 

Things like power and home security aren’t a massive concern here, but it always helps to have batteries and matches available. Make sure you have some savings in cash, too; a few months’ worths should be fine.


Credit: Envato Elements/ vadymvdrobot


7. China/Iran/North Korea

This final potential emergency is a bit of a broad stroke, as it could come from any of these countries. It’s no secret that Trump ruffled some feathers on the world stage, particularly with long-time antagonists of America. Could this result in something as dire as nuclear war, or will it merely be a case of trade wars and cyber threats? In short, nobody truly knows.

Aside from nuclear war, most of these problems will result in economic hardship. Therefore, food and water are vital. Similarly, it’s worth having a bug-out bag ready, including some freeze-dried food in case you need to evacuate. Finally, some self-defense gear will be useful in case things escalate massively.



Credit: Envato Elements/ alonesbe



While 2021 will bring its own unique set of challenges, the emergencies will remain largely the same as before, just with different causes. Whatever might come our way, ensure you’re ready by preparing now while you still can. Check out our website for more details on how you can prepare for emergencies in 2021.